Kenyan Sand Boa Nerds

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This is a general idea of what we have planned or in the works.

Feel free to reach out to us if you are interested in being added to our Waitlist for a specific pairing, or if you are looking for a specific morph.

Eos & Hyperion - paired 5/11/24, 8/30/24


Eos = GX Albino het Paint

Hyperion = Albino Paint het Anery Splash, 66% GX

Erza & Roku - paired 8/30/24


Erza = Normal het Albino Paradox, Anery, Paint

Roku - Anery Paint, 66% Paradox Albino

Cersei & Hyperion - paired 8/30/24


Cersei = Snow het Paint Splash

Hyperion = Albino Paint het Anery Splash, 66% GX

Yara & Iruma - 


Yara = Normal het Snow Paraodox Paint

Iruma = Snow Paradox Paint

Beatrix & Iruma - 


Beatrix = Snow het Paint Splash

Iruma = Snow Paradox Paint

Azula & Iruma - 

Azula = Anery Paint, 66% Paraodox Albino

Iruma = Snow Paradox Paint

Korra & Sirius - 


Korra = Snow Paradox, 66% Paint

Sirius = GX Anery Paint